Angels in America is a 2003 American HBO miniseries based on the play by the same name. Mike Nichols directed. Set in 1985, the film revolves around six disparate New Yorkers whose lives intersect. At its core, it has the fantastical story of Prior Walter, a gay man living with AIDS who is visited by an angel. The film explores a wide variety of themes, including Reagan era politics, the spreading AIDS epidemic, and a rapidly changing social and political climate.
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Sunday, January 3, 2016
(Video) Cầu Vồng Không Sắc - Rainbow Without Colors (VN, 2015, Eng. Sub., HD)
It was a full moon day of July, a day that ghosts can return home according to Vietnamese religion, Rainbow without colors starts the story by a nightmare of Yen, a sixty year old mother about her adopted son named Hung,who died 13 years ago.
Why Yen always repents her sin about the death of Hung?
What is a secret of his death and if the return of Hung soul is a signal of his revenge to Yen?
Why does another son of Yen,who was believed to die on the same day with Hung,also returns to town on that day, full moon of July?