
Monday, April 30, 2012

Have and Have-not

Every human life inherently has in itself a destiny. It seems that what we can have and what we cannot have has been settled even before we are born. What we can have would come and stay in our hands even if sometimes they are not what we really want. What we cannot have would never come or if they come, they would not stay for long no matter how badly we long for them, no matter how hard we try to achieve them. There are some things that I have but you have not and otherwise, there are some things that you have but I would never have.

I was born to a wealthy family, in a two-storied brick house which many people longed for at the time. However, I still remember that ,during childhood, every time I had a chance to visit my friends' houses, even though they were just merely cottages, I wished I would be able to linger much longer or stay over forever. My friends' cottages had one thing that was missing in my brick house: the warmth of love. I was wondering during all my childhood how come they always looked much happier than I did. That kind of love seems to be so simple that everyone even takes it for granted, but I never have.

With some years existing in this world, I have learnt that every human being, no mater who they are or what they do, is always full of greed, temper and indulgence. As a meaningless cycle, we are born, and then grow up , get married and have children to start our own family. And since we have our own family, we would use it as an excuse to do whatever it takes to support it. That excuse keeps us on indulging ourselves in the run for money, fame and physical pleasure. To achieve what we want, we would not hesitate to harm others or act unethically. And just like that, we fall into a maze of life until one day when we have a chance to look back and feel that everything we have is meaningless, the day we have to say good bye to this world has come. With such a repeated meaningless cycle, it seems to be so hard for human beings to find a moment of peacefulness for their souls. Having abstained myself from such a run, from such a self-indulgent lifestyle, I may not have as much belongings as you do but I surely have more peacefulness for my soul than you do.

Since we would never have what we love but cannot have, I think we 'd better compromise ourselves to love what we have . After all, with all considered, no matter what we have, we cannot bring them with us to the other world. Despite what we have not, we don't need them to be allowed to enter the other world. Everything would just finally be gone with the wind. So do you bother to think too much of what you have and what you have not? For me, I don't.

March 05 2010
Jeffrey Thai


  1. Your thought can write down here today what near same Buddha has said what at 2557 prior years. "Life is the suffering sea" to get happy, we must destroy the cupidity what one of main six-focus (greed, anger, delusion, desire, craving and hatefulness); we should be satisfied what do have and don't have at the moment.

    For my thought, I believe Buddha said rightly, but to live happy in this world even though the life is limited on time for a human life; it isn't quite meaningless, at least we have gotten a nicest value from a lifestyle a really human being.

    I love this living. I love Vietnamese people. And I also hate people who had abusing power to hurt painful on my country's peoples, they had done every day to other day throughout many years by deceit and violence to force everyone obediently to survive or to die.

    Nothing is happy since you accept the life on destiny, because nobody gives free anything you want. What you have to was your own efforts activity in this living, you cannot be refused it or negating it though such success more or less unlike what you wanted. Should do we always have to struggle the human right to be well-being or self-suffering for ourselves destiny?

    "A meaningless circle".I read it and repeated many times to hope finding any new thing in it, but ironically I have despaired! I want to live today and my next generations, too, my country's people have to be happy in tomorrow. How do we suffered in a no-fair living between the human and human beings? How do we have mouth but no permission to say? How do we sit silently curved arms meanwhile others rob our land and house? ...they have used deceitful words to trick us, we have not been allowed to reply!

    1. Thanks for sharing your ideas, buddy. I am thinking of giving you a little bit feedback on the weekend as my time budget is pretty much tight during weekdays.
