
Saturday, May 12, 2012


Somebody has ever said: there is no happiness, there are only moments of happiness

Whether it is a whole or just fragments, happiness is like a naughty child playing the game “hide and seek” with us the entire life. The harder we try to find it, the more carefully it hides from us, behind the closed door.  If we come knocking on the door, it would play the game “deaf and dumb”. Just like that, we silently walk through our lives questioning ourselves whether or not there is so-called happiness in this world.

Whether it is a whole or just fragments, happiness is like a drop of morning dew, unexpectedly fragile and breakable. Sometimes we think that we have held it completely and firmly in our both palms, just to find out that it finally slides out of our palms as quickly as a slippery eel. The harder we try to take it back, the more air it puts on its face, haughtily looking down at us as a favor-giver. Feeling painful and out of self-respect, we curl up silently looking at happiness as looking at something so close but unreachable and non-holdable.

Whether it is a whole or just fragments, happiness is like a drifting traveler, sometimes paying us a sudden visit at a moment we least expect - the moment we are not expecting nor looking for. For example, in an early morning we get up and see the morning sunbeams glaring at the far end of horizon; we smile happily realizing that we have another day to live and to love. And at the very moment, we see happiness standing there, facing us, smiling glaringly in the halo of a new day.

Today is a day of the beginning of fall. I feel a little coolness in the air I am breathing. I see a little fading yellow color in the space I am watching. Gently stirring a cup of coffee, I suddenly see in the glistering black happiness smiling bashfully. Such moments of happiness sometimes find their way back to me in a very gentle and fresh manner. I happily sip coffee, not forgetting that happiness as a whole, actually, is still wandering at the forgetful sky-end or still “oversleeping in the drawers of forgetfulness“.

Jeffrey Thai 

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