
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sulky Leaves Changing Color

It has been sulky turning so cold for the last few days. And leaves have also been sulky changing their color to a waning grass-like yellow.

Summer has gone, as quickly as an illusion. However, I feel like its burning heat is still around me- the heat hiding in it a whole sky of sexual desires. And there is still, in front of me, a very close image- the image of sunny Miami Beach with round and inflated tits which provoke a whole sky of concupiscence, and with well-developed chests which promise an abundant source of giving energy. The black complexion of the ethnic from Africa secretly hides in itself an odd hypnotic magic, which is in an accomplice with the burning heat of summer to lure people into endlessly pleasure-seeking activities. Summer here is a season of burning pleasures and love. The sun devotes itself to wandering, not bothering to set until after nine pm. Suddenly, summer has, in a blink of eyes, gone as quickly as never come, leaving me behind exhausted in the uttermost of unfinished pleasures. The sun also feels gloomy going to sleep early.

It has suddenly turned cold for the last few days, much colder than it usually was upon your coming. I know it has been sulky. All leaves on the trees also suddenly change their color at the same time, getting brightly yellow after just one afternoon. I know you have been sulky out of being forgotten. Looking at the way you are approaching- quiet and tired, I feel arising in myself an immense guilt. Please understand that I have never forgotten you. It was just a moment of passion in which I got lost and mistakenly equated your love with worldly pleasures.

How come I forgot our dates on the old days- the destined dates. On those days, amid the barb wire fences, in the uttermost of shattered hopes, every late afternoon, I came to you finding you in the waning yellow sunshine at sunset when you gently gave me a big deal of comfort and peace. And then you rekindled in me dreams: dreams of a restoration right in the utterly devastating evening- a restoration of so-called non-returnable things. On the day we first met, after months and years of dating in mind, I knew our love had been arranged ages ago. On our first meeting, I was amazed by the significance of your beauty. And since then we have been in love together throughout a plenty of fall seasons, do you remember? You are now not as glamorous as the first day. There is some fading in your graceful beauty. But I tell you the truth for one time that my love to you will never change. Please understand that some accidental neglect just sometimes occurs in a human-being’s life.

It has been sulky for the last few days. And leaves have been sulky changing their color to a waning grass-like yellow. Looking at the way you are approaching- quiet and tired, I realize I am advancing to the other side of the hill of my life.

Jeffrey Thai

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